
Rabu, 08 Mei 2024

The Legend Rudy Hartono


Rudy Hartono, Indonesian badminton legend with 8X, 7X All England titles in a row, the most to date. A sensational achievement that has not been solved to date.
In one All England match, Rudy Hartono faced Sture Johnson, the European champion from Sweden.
The situation at that time was truly critical. Sture Johnson won the first set 15-4, and in the second set he was ahead 14-0.
All RRI listeners and TVRI viewers were truly shocked.

One more point, Rudy Hartono is finished...!!

Thank God...!!!, shouted the RRI announcer, finally the shuttlecock moved into Rudy Hartono's hands.

"I just want one point," Rudy said to himself and said it when he started the service.

It turns out he was able to change the numbers to 1–14.

"I want one more point", and it was 2–14. Rudy Hartono managed to add another point.

After going through a fierce and long battle; thanks to his persistence, the numbers continued to increase for Rudy Hartono... and became a 14-14 duece.

Finally Rudy Hartono managed to win the second set with points 17-14.

Third set...
Rudy again and more enthusiastically shouted "I want one more number! I want one more number!!”

And the third set ended with 15–0 in favor of Rudy Hartono.

What a win!

Rudy Hartono also advanced to the final against finalist from Denmark, Svend Pri.

Svend Pri & Punch Gunalan (India) commented, "If you fight Rudy, you haven't reached 15, then you don't necessarily win..."

What message can be learned from the story of Rudy Hartono's tenacity and unyielding spirit?

When you feel down,
When experiencing defeat after defeat, when you are on the brink of collapse:

Face each problem one by one.
Move forward one step at a time. Take each victory one by one.

Difficult doesn't mean impossible..
You only need ONE MORE NUMBER!

A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.”
George M. Moore Jr

"A winner is just a loser who tried one more time..."

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