
Selasa, 21 Mei 2024

Nuhuta Island: The Uninhabited Marvel of the Kei Archipelago

In the eastern stretches of Indonesia, within the serene Kei Islands, lies the secluded Nuhuta Island. This uninhabited island emerges as a hidden treasure, especially at low tide when a stunning sandbar is revealed, creating a pathway through the sea.

Journey to Nuhuta Island

Reaching Nuhuta Island is an adventure for the intrepid traveler. It is situated between Debut and Tanimbar Kei, approximately one hour from Tanimbar Kei and two hours from Debut. The journey typically involves chartering a boat, which can be a thrilling experience as the sea between Nuhuta and Tanimbar Kei is known for its roughness.

Accommodation and Costs

While Nuhuta Island itself does not offer permanent lodging or eateries, basic huts are available for those looking to experience the island’s raw beauty. For a more comfortable stay, visitors can find accommodation in the nearby Kei Islands, where options range from homestays to more luxurious hotels. Costs can vary, but travelers should expect to pay between 100,000 to 250,000 IDR, often including meals.

The Local Community

Nuhuta Island does not have a local community due to its uninhabited nature. However, the nearby Tanimbar Kei is home to welcoming villagers who occasionally visit Nuhuta for collecting coconuts and fish eggs. The Kei Islands are known for their friendly locals, offering a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of the region.

The Island’s Unique Feature

Nuhuta’s most distinctive characteristic is its sandbar, which becomes visible at low tide. This natural phenomenon allows visitors to walk on the ocean floor, surrounded by the breathtaking panorama of the Banda Sea.

While Nuhuta Island itself lacks hotels and restaurants, the Kei Islands provide various hospitality options. From the Ohoiew Island Resort to local eateris in the villages, there’s a range of choices to suit different preferences and budgets.

In summary, Nuhuta Island is a place where solitude meets splendor. It’s a destination for those who seek to disconnect and immerse themselves in nature’s untouched beauty. Whether you’re a solo explorer or with a group, Nuhuta Island promises an experience that’s as rare as it is rewarding.

Map Of Nuhuta Island

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